
Is Ecodeck Your Answer?

Is Ecodeck Your Answer?

Ekodeck is a composite decking material designed to remove the drawbacks of early generation composite decking.

Early Generation Composite Decking

Composite decking has evolved considerably within the last decade within the home building industry. Modern composite decking such as Ekodeck is used more frequently these days due to the advantages it has not only over traditional timber decking but also previous composite decking specifications.

One major benefit of early composite decking materials is that they do not splinter and subsequently cause injury to people coming in contact with the decking material.

Homeowners also benefit from the composite decking's resistance to rotting in exposed environments whcih eliminates the need to replace the decking material itself.

Another advantage early generation composite decking has over its more natural rival is that composite decking would not break apart while the user is walking on them.

Despite these significant upsides, the downsides of older composite decking material is that it fades over time and quickly loses its initial good looks.

Another drawback is the development of mould on the boards which requires frequent cleaning depending on your environmental conditions - and if the mould is bad enough, the board will require replacing. 

With these issues early generation composite decking had, it is difficult to provide good reason for one to change from timber to composite decking.

Newer Generation Composite Decking

One of the latest generations of composite decking material is Ekodeck. Ekodeck is slightly different by which it uses reclaimed timber and bamboo along with recycled plastics from used plastic bottles.

It is designed to be very durable witht he assurance of a long lifespan, it berings several advantages for you to consider if you are 'tossing' up between a natural timber or composite deck.

A product like Ekodeck brings with it long-lasting sleek looks which gives it a big advantage with its ability to keep its colour and lustre over time without any additional products, layering or special conditioning of the deck.

The composite provides resistance to the elements so it guarantees that it will not lose colour or rot through continued exposure to the sun, rain or hail.

The boards are also guaranteed not to swell up or shrink in above or below normal temperatures as well as reducing the risk or issues of mould/mildew which makes the product extremely low-maintenance.


If you are considering an alternative product to traditional hardwood decking materials, give Woodco a call on 0431 519 754 so you know what it best for you!